Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Clix Team in Action

A Collaboration with Clix Art and Life Team

You can hire me a back-up photographer and a layout artist.
0932 - 6292308

Friday, August 3, 2018

Almira Turns Eighteen

Almira Turns Eighteen

You can hire me as a back-up photographer or a layout artist.
Contact me at 0932-6292308

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Jersey Mae + A Decade and Eight

Jersey Mae + A Decade and Eight
A photoshoot collaboration
with Mr. Cipriano Solbita

You can hire me as a layout artist and a backup photographer.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Elijah and Elirah Turn One

Elijah and Elirah Turn One

You can hire me as a back-up photographer or as a layout artist for your client.
Feel free to contact me at 0932-6292308
IG - hackster_2ne
Messenger - anthony.dismaya

Kyla at Eighteen

Kyla at Eighteen

You can hire me as a back-up photographer or as a layout artist for your client.
Feel free to contact me at 0932-6292308
IG - hackster_2ne
Messenger - anthony.dismaya

Thursday, May 17, 2018

CCC Fun Shoot

Fun Shoot

You can hire me as a back-up photographer or as a layout artist for your client.

Styling by: Dhomz Alfonso
ICON Models

Feel free to contact me at 0932-6292308
IG - hackster_2ne
Messenger - anthony.dismaya

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Kyla Fae at 18

Kyla Fae at 18

You can hire me as a back-up photographer or as a layout artist for your client.
Feel free to contact me at 0932-6292308
IG - hackster_2ne
Messenger - anthony.dismaya